On September 18, 2013, Fanimation is initiating the first annual National Ceiling Fan Day (“NCFD”)! We invite everyone to join our fight to reduce energy consumption by turning off their central cooling systems and relying on ceiling, floor, desk and wall fans to save trillions of kilowatt hours of energy consumption. Studies published by Energy Information Association (EIA) show that 94 million of the 113.6 million residential homes in the United States use air conditioning equipment and 110.1 million use space heating equipment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends using ceiling fans to reduce or eliminate the need to use air conditioning because ceiling fans consume far less electricity. Many Fanimation ceiling fans consume as few as 30 watts during operation while air conditioning systems can use upwards of 5,000 watts. Ceiling fans are also significantly cheaper to operate. Operating a fan can cost as low as one dollar a month while an A/C unit can cost approximately $100. Fanimation was inspired to initiate NCFD to raise awareness about how ceiling fans can fit into an overall energy and cost savings plan.
As a society, we’ve grown dependent on air conditioners. We use them in our cars and rely on them at home. That’s not to say air conditioners should never be used. However, we should educate consumers about the energy and cost saving benefits of using fans in conjunction with central air. The purpose of NCFD is to bring national attention to escalating energy costs and consumption and propose the use of ceiling fans as a way to decrease our reliance on central heating and cooling devices. If every American participated in NCFD by turning off their air conditioning and using fans for their cooling needs, the United States would save over three trillion kilowatt hours of energy consumption. That is enough energy to power the entire city of New York for months.
Fanimation is hosting an Awareness Party to promote the Day on August 17, 2013. The party is a free event held at Fanimation’s headquarters and is open to the public. Fanimation has organized fun activities for all ages. There will be live music, prizes, vintage cars and bicycles on display, free food catered by Dashboard Diner, a caricaturist and a Kids Zone with bicycle helmet fittings, energy awareness activities and face painting. Attendees are also welcome to tour Fanimation’s antique fan museum located on site. The party will be held from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at 10983 Bennett Pkwy Zionsville, IN 46077.
“In 2011, EIA estimates that about 440 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity were used for cooling by the residential and commercial sectors, or about 11% of total U.S. electricity consumption” (www.eia.gov).
Tell me again how one day of no air conditioning will save more than double the amount of energy used on cooling in the entirety of 2011?
Mr. Obvious, we apologize for what was likely an error in computation on our part. We also appreciate the link you provided. Please know we did not intend to deceive anyone with said statistic. We look forward to this Day spreading internationally in years to come. As we reach larger audiences we will surely reduce more energy consumption on NCFD. Thank you.